Sunday, December 11, 2011

What is the effect way to remove eyelash glue?

What is the effect way to remove eyelash glue?
Summary: Even though false eyelashes, will give us the beautiful look that we want, and we did have improved our appearance from wearing that, but removing the glue is a kind of trouble, including strip lashes and individual eyelashes. Here we will provide you some ways to get rid of the glue.
Even though not all of you have accept
fake eyelashes, but you can’t deny the magic power of them, and you have to admit that girls with false eyelashes on will win more attention than those who don’t wear. But we also have to admit that wearing false eyelashes has also some things that we need to deal with, there always have to pay back something for what we have got. You know what I mean, so what kind of problem that really freaks you out? As for me, removing the eyelash glue is a tough job without doubt.
Strip lashes and individual eyelashes, though they are two kinds of lashes that you both could depend on to achieve beautiful and attractive eyelashes, removing these two kinds of eyelashes will be the same, don’t rush to buy the makeup remove or use your makeup remover, some kind of glue can be removed just by warm water. After you have removed the fake eyelashes from your eyes, handle them with a pair of eyelashes tweezers, put them into the warm water, glue will become loosen in the warm water. If this method doesn’t work, then you have to ask the makeup remover for help. You could pull proper amount of makeup remover into a container, and dip the lashes into it. Some stubborn glue may be left between the lashes; you could just remove them with the tweezers. In order to save time, you don’t need to clean your fake eyelashes every time you remove the eyelashes from your eyes, you could put the used eyelashes to a container. After a week or two, you could clean them together.
You see, removing the glue on the
eyelash can also be a time-saving job for you, hope the method will help you.

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